2011년 12월 5일 월요일

How to Talk to Other Twitter Users and Why You Would Want to

There are a couple of different ways to have conversations with other users on Twitter. The two methods are to send a reply, which is a public entity that can be viewed by others, or to send a direct message, which is only see by the intended recipient."@" posts a message to a specific user. This is done by placing the @ directly before the user's Twitter ID. The message will be seen by the recipient in his account on the page that shows all references to his user name. For Twitter users who follow both users, the message will show up in their accounts. When creating a message in this way, the label above the textbox on Twitter changes to "Reply to."Public replies such as those created using the @ symbol are not the same as direct messages. You can send a direct message to another from your Twitter update window by typing a lower case car led lights "d," a space, and then the user's Twitter ID. Naruto Cosplay Unlike public replies, these messages do not show up on the public Twitter timeline. The label above the update box that says "What are you doing?" will change to say "Direct message." When you see this, you will know that you have used the correct syntax.Is it a good idea to reference other users like this? Absolutely! Twitter can be used in a few different ways, but if you want to use it as a brand building / lead generation tool, you should engage in conversation with other users. Directly referring to other users in your tweets makes those users feel important and improves your odds of getting to know someone who is a possible customer or referral source.The good thing is that Twitter messaging can be fun. Twitter is fast and dynamic. If you are communicating with serious Twitter uses, you should get a quick response. Just like everything else in life, with Twitter, the more you give, the more you get.

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